Lykken´s Silk Power PP  
Navn Lykken´s Silk Power PP
Født 2008-02-14
Køn Hun
Farve Tortie silver blotched tabby/white
EMS-Code MCO f s 09 22
Reg. nummer FD LO
Opdrætter A og J Lykken
Ejer A og J Lykken
Status Solgt
Farverig pige med røde pletter . Polydactyl: venstre foran 6 tær, højre foran 5 tær , begge bagfødder 6 tær
Alle forfædre er neg. for DNA HCM test 1
Oktober 09 : Scannet neg. for HCM.

Ialt 12 billeder i databasen, tryk her for at se dem.
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Lykken´s King Galbatorix
MCO d 02 33
Rød blotched tabby harlekin
MCO n 09 22
Brun blotched tabby m. hvidt
Udklittens Blue Berry
FD LO 103882
MCO a 09 22
blå blotchedtabby-hvid . Testet neg. for HCM 4 og 5 år gammel . Hofter : OFA : good
Løve Hulen's Gangster
FD LO 91822
black blotchedtabby-white
Udklittens Anasazi of Kira
FD LO 88118
tortie mackreltabby
True Trust`s Celika
FD LO 109150
MCO n 22
Brun blotched tabby . Tested neg. for HCM 2 and 4 years old . Hips: OFA good.
DK Wabanaki's
Star Wars
FD LO 102126
black blotched tabby
HCM : scanned neg 5 years old .
Mystery Jewel,
import Holland
FD RX 13973
MCO n 09 22
black blotched tabby-white
Dirigo Sweet Miss Sophia of Lykken
CFF - transfer to Felis Danica
MCO fs 09
Sort tortie smoke m. hvidt
CH. Dirigo Sea Smoke.
Color:Black smoke.
CH. Dirigo Swift River Ruffian
Color: Red / white
Dirigo`s Berwick Lily
Color : Smoke Tortie / White
Dirigo Lady Patches.
Color: Calico
Dirigo Amos P.
Color : Blue Mkl Tabby
Dirigo`s Lady Nugget
Red Tabby Harlequin

Prairebaby River Of Your Grace PP (Silkhead - Silke)
Reg. in CFF and Felis Danica
MCO ns 02 22
Sortsilver classic tabby/harlequin

Prairiebaby Plowman Spring River PP . Farve : Sort silver van
Health : Testet neg. for the DNAcyb3 mutation . Hips : will be tested soon.
Prairiebaby Hope Springs Eternal P . White .MCO w 62
Health : CM / PKD neg . 18 mnd . Hips : OFA : " good " 20 mnd.
Prairiebaby Plowman Songs of Freedom . MCO w 62
HCM neg. at 22 mnd. and 3,7 years old . OFA prelim. " excellent" 8 months
Prairiebaby Fall Into You P.
MCO n 09 23
Health : OFA prelim " good "
Prairebaby In The River I Remain : MCO g 09 HCM and PKD neg . 21 months . OFA : prelim " excellent " Prairiebaby Gonne Be Worth I All .MCO e 01 23.
Health :Hips : OFA prelim : "good " 11 mnd old.
Prairiebaby Drench The Barren Land ( Manitoba , Canada )MCO a 09 21.
Health : Hips OFA certified " excellent "
Prairiebaby River Mercies ( Ashanti )Sort tortie classic tabby / white ( MCO f 0922 )
Health : will be tested soon
Prairie River Revival . Red classic tabby . Health : Ecco doppler : HCM neg. at 22 months. PKD : neg . Hips : OFA prelim ( 17 mnd ) : "good " FInd Me In The River of Prairebaby (1994 -03-10 ) Cananda
Prairiebaby Freedom in Mercey
Canada Graceland of Prairiebaby . Brown classic tabby / white . Health :Tested neg. for PKD and HCM 3 years old . Hips. OFA certified " GOOD ". Foundation - Canada
Foundation - Canada

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