Behold White Lily P of Lykken  
Navn Behold White Lily P of Lykken
Født 2010-02-01
Køn Hun
Farve Hvid
EMS-Code MCO w
Reg. nummer CFF
Opdrætter Phyllis Tobias
Ejer Astrid Lykken
Status Solgt
White Lily er en stor smuk Maine Coon pige som har kommet til os fra USA. Hun er polydactyl på forpoter.Hun er nu steriliseret og til salg som kælekat,
Hun er scannet neg. for HCM. Hofter OFA : fair

Ialt 5 billeder i databasen, tryk her for at se dem.
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Kumskaka Gandolf The White P of Wackymoon. White ( gold eyed) Scanned x 2 neg. for HCM
DNA test for HCM neg. Hips : OFA GOOD.Carrying dilution ( Color)
Wackymoon Coon Smaug P of Kumskaka
Hips : OFA Good
Night Light P of Wackymoon Coon
Color: Black
Scanned neg. for HCM 1 1/2 year
Foundation ( unknown)
Foundation ( unknown)
Supernovas Winky
Red Makr. Tabby
Scanned neg. for HCM 3,3 year . Hips normal/normal
EC Bonnekita´s Rocky
Supernova´s Sisse
Blue Tortie Blotched Tabby/white
Kumskaka Barely Hear The Whispurr PP
Color:White (gold eyed)
Hips: OFA Fair
Prairiebaby Mercy Spring Frost PP
White ( copper eyed)
Prairiebaby Hope Springs Eternal P
White ( copper eyed)
Prairiebaby Rest In Fields of Grace
Black smoke
Kumskaka´s Spiritual Heritage
Blue Silver Tabby/white
Mtnmaine Inheritance of Kumskaka
Blue Silver Tabby/white

Kumskaka Lady Galadriel PP.
Cameo Mkr.Tabby/ White.
Scanned neg. for HCM , DNA test neg .for HCM by parents.

Prairiebaby Watch The River Dance PP
Color:Cameo Mkr. Tabby /White
Prairiebaby Come To the River of Eole Coon
Brown Tabby/ white
Scanned neg. for HCM 4 and 5 years. DNA test for HCM : neg.
SMA : neg
Prairiebaby River Revival
Red tabby
Prairiebaby In The River I Remain
Blue Torbie(white)
Prairiebaby Rise Up and Dance P
Blue Cream Smoke Harequin
Prairiebaby Plowman Songes of Freedom
White ( gold eyed)
Prairiebaby Fall Into You P
Brown Makr. Tabby /white
Bogy Cat´s Honeycomb
Color: Cameo Mkr. Tabby
Dynamicats Jeep Willys ( NL )
Red Makr. Tabby
Dynamicats LL Cool J
Brown Tabby/white
Thundercat´s Sex On The Beach
Silver Makr. Torbie
Bogy Cat´s Virgin
Cameo Makr. Tabby
Kumskaka Sing Among The Nations
Red Mkl Tabby
Bogy Cat´s Momaday
Tortie Smoke/White

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